Microfinance Learning

 Currently microfinance is making a special contribution to increase the economic and social status of under developed and developing countries. Among which Bangladesh is one and due to this Dr. Mohammad Yunus received the Nobel Peace Prize from Bangladesh. Which is recognized all over the world. To increase the social status of a nation, the first requirement is the improvement of the economic condition. It is possible to improve the economic development of any backward people or nations through microfinance. This change helps to increase the social status of a person or nation permanently. If a person or organization follows this page, then that person or organization can contribute to the overall development of themselves or the organization by gaining knowledge on various topics. Here all the information including various theories of microfinance will be presented. Besides, if any person or organization wants to introduce new microfinance, then it will work as a special support for him. We think that if the theory given on this side related to microfinance is followed properly, success will come.

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