How to Create a Blogging Website

Data Entry and Microfinance Learning
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 What is Blogging :

A blog is a type of online personal diary or journal. The term blog is an abbreviation of weblog. A person who posts on a blog is called a blogger. Bloggers constantly add content to their website and users can leave their comments there. 

How to Create a Blogging Website :

To earn from blogging online, first of all you need to know the rules of blogging. So many people want to know the rules of creating a blog. You can create a blog for free. You don't need to invest anything to create a blog. To sign up for a free blogger account, you first need to log in to After entering the site, you need to enter the site with the username and password of the Gmail account. 

To create a blogger account you must have a Gmail account. I hope everyone has a Gmail account on their smart phone. After login site with gmail you will get option called setup page. After clicking on setup page you will see create Google plus account. Then click on create Google plus account and fill the form with information. After filling the form your blogger site will be created. Then click continue to blogger option and you will see Dashboard. After entering the dashboard, you can publish a blog post by clicking on the create a blog option. Not only that, you can easily start a blog website, e-commerce website for free by visiting these sites (,, Later you can buy a domain and hosting and manage your website yourself. 

Online income from blogging : Even a century ago, it was difficult to earn money by writing. But, nowadays it has become very easy to earn by writing. Because, now you can earn money by blogging at home very easily. If you want, you can earn money by writing on the internet. If you want to earn money online by writing, then blogging can be the best option for you. Because, currently people are earning huge amount of money by blogging. If you want to earn money from blog, you must have knowledge about blog. Have a clear idea of what you will be blogging about. Below are mentioned step by step what kind of income from blog and ways to earn from blog. 

The easiest way to earn money from blog is Google ad sense. Advertising within your blog post is called Google ad sense. Google community has provided an opportunity to earn money by adding display on the website. Now if you want to know, what kind of advertisements can be? Then listen advertisements can be of many types. For example: video advertisement, image advertisement and link advertisement. When traffic comes to read your blog and clicks on advertisements, dollars will continue to accumulate on your dashboard. Google community will send money to your bank account after depositing $100 on your blog site. To withdraw money, the bank account must be added to the dashboard of the blog site. Google ad sense approve is required to earn money from blog site through Google ad sense. If Google ad sense is approved, you can earn money from blog through ad sense. To earn money from Google ad sense you need to publish quality content on your blog site. Blog site should increase visitors with quality content. The more traffic you can bring to your site, the more money you can earn through ad sense. 

Sponsorship is another easy way to earn money from blog. When your blog site traffic continues to grow, you can earn a lot of money through sponsorship. If there is more traffic on the blog site, different companies will sponsor your writing. Company managers will contact you to sponsor. Then you contract with them and sponsor their company on your site. 

It is now very easy to earn money by affiliate marketing from blog sites. Thinking, what is affiliate marketing? Earning commission by selling products of other companies online is called affiliate marketing. For example: promoting and selling Amazon company product links on your site. They will give you a commission if you sell their company's products Earning that commission is basically affiliate marketing. The more sales you can make by promoting their products on your site, the more money you can earn from the blog. Hope you know how to earn from blog by now.

How much does the blog earn ? 

Many people want to know what kind of income from the blog? Hear what kind of income is generated from the blog depends entirely on the blogger. Because, the more time you can spend behind the blog, the more money you can earn. The more quality content you can provide on your blog site, the more traffic you will get to your site. In particular, your income depends on site traffic. If you create quality content targeting foreign country traffic, you can earn 400/500 dollars per month even with little traffic. Which is 40,000 to 50,000 thousand in Bangladeshi Taka. And if you create content by targeting Bangladeshi traffic, you can earn 300 to 600 dollars for 4,000 to 5,000 thousand traffic. Which is 30 thousand to 60 thousand in Bangladeshi taka. As mentioned earlier, earning from blog depends on the blogger. The more effort you put into blogging, the more money you can earn. But a skilled blogger earns 60 thousand to 80 thousand taka per month. Hopefully, you already know what kind of income you get from blogging. 

How to start blogging ? 

Before starting blogging, there are many things you need to keep in mind. First select Niche or Category. Nice selection is important. Now this sector has become very competitive. That's why you should write very thoughtfully about a topic that you have a very good understanding of. Definitely try to write on a specific topic. That's why you need to do keyword research on the topic that matters most. After that you need to create an attractive web design to give your website a different look. Well, start your new website journey from here. Then write content and do your website's technical, on-page and off-page SEO or link building work. Gradually the visitors to the blog site will increase and the income will start. 

Click on the link below to start blogging –


To do well in any work, you have to work hard. Expecting success without hard work is nothing but folly. So to earn money from blog, you have to work patiently. Only then is success guaranteed. So long as we are, what is the blog? How to Create a Blogging Website, ways to earn from blog, what kind of income from blog and how to start blogging have discussed these topics. I hope you know what kind of income is from blog and how to earn from blog. Thank you very much for reading our article for a long time. If we can benefit even a little bit by reading the article, then we will be successful. Of course we will wait for your valuable comments.


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